වැඩට යන ඔබට, ඔබත්, සමත් ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න ලේසිම ලේසි Cleansing Ritual එකක්



මේ දවස් වල වැඩට යන එක challenge එකක්. කොණ්ඩය උඩට කරලා බැඳලා, Mask එක දාල, Hand Sanitizer එක අමතක නොකර, අපි හැමෝම වැඩට යන්නේ බොහොම පරිස්සමට. දිනපතා වැඩට යන කොට තමන්ගේ සෞඛ්‍ය ගැන ආරක්ෂාකාරී වෙන එක ඉතාමත් වැදගත්. ඒ වගේම, ඔබේ සමේ ආරක්ෂාව ගැනත් සිතන්නට අමතක කරන්න එපා.


දිනපතා පැය ගණනක් mask එක දාගෙන සිටීමේ අතුරුඵලයක් වන්නේ, mask එක නිසා සම මතුපිට ඇතිවන කුරුලෑ. නැතිනම් “Mask-ne”. Mask එක නිතරම සමේ ඇතිල්ලෙන නිසා, සහ mask එකෙන් නිතරම සම ආවරණය වී ඇති නිසා, සමේ ඇති කුඩා කුහර තුල දුහුවිලි, දහඩිය සහ කුඩා අංශු සිර වෙනවා. මේ නිසා තමයි බොහෝ දෙනෙක් මේ දවස්වල mask එක නිසා ඇතිවන කුරුලෑ තත්වයන්ට මුහුණ දෙන්නේ.

සම වියලීම

තමන්ගේ සෞඛ්‍ය ගැන ආරක්ෂා වන හැම කෙනෙක් ගාවම නොවරදවාම hand sanitizer එකක් තියෙනවා. මෙහි ඇති මද්‍යසාර සංයුක්තය, සමේ ඇති ස්වභාවික තෙල් ගතිය නැති කරන නිසා, නිතර hand sanitizer භාවිතයෙන් සම ඉතා ඉක්මනින් වියලෙනවා.

තමන්ගේ ආරක්ෂාවයි, සමේ ආරක්ෂාවයි දෙකම බලා ගන්නේ කොහොමද? මෙන්න මේ cleansing ritual එකෙන්, දවල් කාලයේ ඔබත්, සවස් කාලයේ ඔබේ සමත් ආරක්ෂා කරගන්නට පුළුවන්.

පියවර 1 : දිනපතා cleanse කරන්න

ගෙදර ගිය ගමන්, අමතක නොකර දිනපතා ඔබේ සම cleanse කරන්න. දවස පුරා mask එක නිසා ඔබේ සමේ කුහර තුල සිර වී ඇති දහදිය, දුහුවිලි ආදිය cleanser එකක් මගින් අයින් කරගන්නට පුළුවන්. දිනපතා භාවිතා කරන නිසා, රසායන ද්‍රව්‍ය අඩු, කිරි හෝ මී පැණි වැනි ස්වභාවික අන්තර්ගතයන් සහිත cleanser එකක් භාවිතා කරන්න.

සතියකට සැරයක්, mud mask එකක් හෝ sugar mask එකක් භාවිතයෙන් deep cleanse කරන්න.

පියවර 2 : moisturize කරන්න

ඔබේ සම පිරිසිදු කර, cleanse කිරීමෙන් පසුව, අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම ඔබේ සම moisturize කරන්න. රසායනික ද්‍රව්‍ය වලින් අඩු, Morison Lacto Calamine Lotion වැනි මෘදු mosturizer එකක් නම් ඉතාමත් හොදයි. Morison Lacto Calamie Lotion එක තුල ඇති calamine, mask එකෙන් සමට ඇතිවන හානි වලින් ඔබේ සම ආරක්ෂා කරන අතර, එහි ඇති witch hazel සම මතුපිට සිර වී ඇති තෙල් සහ මියගිය සමේ සෛල ඉවත් කර, බැක්ටීරියා සහ දිලීර වලින් සම ආරක්ෂා කරයි.
දවස පුරා sanitizer භාවිතා කරන නිසා, අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම ඔබේ අත් දෙකත් moisturize කරන්න අමතක කරන්න එපා.

ඔබ නින්දට යන විට සම සුවපත් කරන්නට, Morison Lacto Calamine Lotion එක night cream එකක් වශයෙනුත් භාවිතා කරන්නට පුළුවන්.

පියවර 3 : දිනපතා mask එක සෝදන්න

ඔබේ නැවත භාවිතා කර හැකි mask එක දවස පුරා තෙතමනය සිරකරගන්න නිසා, එය මත ඉතා ඉක්මනින් බැක්ටීරියා සහ දිලීර හටගන්නට පුලුවන. මේ නිසයි, ඔබ රෙදි mask එකක් භාවිතා කරනවා නම් දිනපතා එය සබන් යොදා සේදිය යුත්තේ. ඔබේ සාමාන්‍ය surgical mask එකක් භාවිතා කරනවා නම්, කවමදාවත් එය දෙවරක් භාවිතා කරන්නට එපා.

අපි හැමෝම මේ දවස් වල අප සහ අපේ ආදරණීයන් වෙනුවෙන්  ආරක්ශාකාරීවීම වැදගත්, නමුත් ඒ වෙනුවෙන් ඔබේ සමේ සෞක්‍ය කැපකරන්න අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ නැහැ. ඔබත් අදම මේ skin cleansing ritual එක අනුගමනය කරමින් ඔබ වගේම ඔබේ සමත් ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න.

Written by Shana


The After-work Cleansing Ritual

මෙම ළිපිය සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න


Heading out to work these days takes a lot of preparation. Hair tied up, mask on and don’t you dare forget your hand sanitizer! It is important to stay vigilant and stay safe these days, especially when you travel to work on a daily basis. It is also equally important to make sure that these safety precautions do not impact your skin in the long run.


One of the biggest side effects of wearing a mask all day is Mask-ne. When the fabric of the mask creates constant friction against the skin on your face, the skin irritation caused by this leads to an outbreak of acne. The mask also covers the lower half of your face, and this leads to clogged pores as the sweat on your face is blocked by the mask, again resulting in Acne. Acne, caused because of masks, are now commonly known as “mask-ne”.

Dry – Skin

Another side effect of all these precautions is dry skin, especially on your hand. It is an excellent practice to sanitize your hand often, but the constant exposure to alcohol rubs off all the natural oils from your hand, leading to dry skin.

So how do we keep our skin safe from these necessary precautions? It is very important to stick to a stringent post-work cleansing ritual to ensure that your skin is clean from all impurities and that it retains all its essential moisture.

Step 1: Cleanse

The moment you step into your house, make sure to cleanse your face and body with a mild yet effective cleanser. Avoid the harsh chemical cleansers as your skin is exposed to a heavy alcohol content from hand sanitizers. Opt for a mild cleansing agent that can cleanse your pores and clean up all that pollution and sweat.

Once a week, be sure to purify and deep cleanse your skin, with a mud mask or a sugar mask.

Step 2: Moisturize

Once you’ve cleansed and purified your skin, moisturize your skin with a gentle moisturizer such as the Lacto Calamine Lotion. The Calamine in the lotion will heal your skin from the irritation caused by the friction from the mask, and the witch hazel in the lotion will clear away the oil and dead skin cells while protecting the skin from bacteria and fungi. Don’t forget to apply the moisturizer on your hands as well, as this is the area that is most exposed to sanitizer, leading to excessive dryness.

It’s even better if you can use the lotion as a night cream so that your skin has time to heal and recover before the next day.

Step 3: Wash your reusable mask, every day.

Your mask traps in moisture for a significant time frame during the day. This accumulated moisture is a breeding ground for all types of bacteria, which is also a cause for Maskne. In addition, your mask protects you from external impurities, and this is why it is imperative for you to wash your reusable mask every day. It is highly recommended to use a cotton or linen mask, as the naturally breathable fabric can trap particles and keep them from reaching your nose. Whichever mask you use, do not forget to wash them every day, or if you use a single-use mask, replace the mask every day and do not re-use single-use masks.

We all need to stay safe during these times, not only for us but for our loved ones. But that does not mean that we should compromise on our skincare. The simple steps of cleansing and moisturizing are easy enough to stay safe and keep your skin protected during these times.

Written by Shana


Caring for your skin in the midst of COVID-19

Caring for your skin in the midst of COVID-19

මෙම ළිපිය සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න


The COVID 19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. From numerous plans to travel and go on adventures, we have been forced to stay at home and only go out for work and essential needs for our own safety.

Although this is not the ideal situation for us, staying indoors and the reduced exposure to dust and dirt is excellent news for our skin. Safe from harmful UV rays and impurities such as smoke, dust and dirt, with very little care, your skin can thrive as you stay home and stay safe.

However, don’t forget to compliment your skin with these easy skincare hacks, to make the most of your skins reduced exposure to impurities.

1. Drink lots of water

Drinking Water

We can’t emphasize this enough. Your skin needs to be hydrated to stay healthy. Many of us forget to regulate our water intake, so make a conscious effort to drink as much water as you can while at home.

Keeping an alarm every hour to drink water or drinking off a bottle so you can ensure that you have had at least 1.5 liters of water a day some ways in which you can regulate your daily water intake.

2. Avoid makeup and other applicants


While you are at home and even when you go out for essentials, avoid wearing makeup. Your skin thrives when there are no applicants on, and the WHO guidelines encourage the reduced usage of makeup during the COVID 19 pandemic.

3. Eat right and exercise


Make sure you eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can and avoid or reduce the intake of carbonated drinks and processed food items. It is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, for healthy and glowing skin.

4. Moisturize daily

The weather has been a little unpredictable these days, with a mix of unbearable heat and rain. The changes in the weather affect your skin, and it’s important to keep your skin moisturized. If your skin is prone to acne or dryness, be sure to use a mild moisturizer with Calamine and witch hazel.

5. Wash your face after cooking

Although dust and impurities from the outside are avoided by staying inside, one of the biggest skin pollutants that affect us are the oils and steam from cooking. Although this is unavoidable, be sure to wash your face with a milk face wash after cooking to clean your skin off any oil/steam particles that may have gotten on your face.

6. Notice your skin’s reaction to your face mask

Face Mask

Wearing a face mask is mandatory when we head out. However, as there are multiple types of face masks out there – the reaction of our skin to different types of masks may vary. Notice how your skin reacts to your masks: some have complained of dryness, and of pimples as a result of wearing a mask all day. The best option for a mask would be a cloth/cotton mask that covers your face well. If your skin is prone to dryness and acne, dab a little bit of Lacto Calamine lotion on the areas with the irritation before you wear the mask.

This is the best time for your skin, with reduced sun exposure and impurities. But be sure to take good care of your skin, so that your skin will be healthy and young in the long run.

Written by Shana


Why does my skin itch when it’s hot?

මෙම ළිපිය සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න


It’s February – and an unusually warm February at that. The heat is unbearable and the lack of rain isn’t helping as it seems to get hotter and hotter during day time. But what makes a very warm day worse, is a warm, itchy day.

Does your skin itch when it’s hot? Does a quick walk in the sun (maybe to the supermarket) leave you scratching your exposed skin for the rest of the day? Why does your skin itch when it’s hot?!

1. Heat rash

When the weather is warm and you keep sweating, your sweat pores tend to get clogged, creating itchy bumps on your skin. This is mostly seen in areas where the skin folds, such as elbows and knees, but can appear anywhere. Heat rash usually disappears on its own, but if the rash makes you uncomfortable, apply a non greasy lotion such as Lacto Calamine on the affected area. Do not use any oil based moisturizers as it will only make it worse.

2. Sun rash

If you break out in itchy red bumps every time you go out in the sun, it means you are suffering with photo dermatitis. This is when the sun triggers a case of eczema on your skin. Treating this requires a visit to the dermatologist, but don’t forget to stay safe with your sun lotion, applied over a base lotion that contains calamine, which has healing properties, to keep your skin safe.

3. The Air Conditioner

You run into your air-conditioned room to stay safe from the hot hot sun, but the air conditioner can dry out your skin in no time, causing it to itch even more. If you stay in an air-conditioned room on a daily basis, don’t forget to drink lots and lots of water and stay hydrated. Also, keep reapplying your moisturizer every time you feel your skin drying up, to retain the moisture.

At all times , avoid scratching when an itch hits you. Excessive scratching can break your skin, leaving to skin discoloration and scars. A mild lotion, always with Calamine, such as Lacto Calamine Lotion for example, is a must have during this hot weather to keep your skin soothed and safe.

Written by Shana


How to stay safe from skin problems caused by air pollution

මෙම ළිපිය සිංහලෙන් කියවන්න


Recently , Colombo was covered in the much talked about smog – a blanket of polluted air allegedly all the way over from New Delhi. Environmental watch dogs continue to share alerts on the increasing levels of air pollution in the city of Colombo, and all over the country.

Air pollution, aided and abetted by the many factors such as emissions from vehicles, improper garbage disposal and factory emissions, is a very real and very relevant problem right now. Many of us are aware and take precautions to avoid the negative effects of Air Pollution on our health , but many of us aren’t aware about the effect this has on our skin.

So how does air pollution affect our skin?

1. Premature skin aging

Us Sri Lankans are already under the threat of premature skin aging due to over exposure from the sun. In addition to this, as proven by research , particulate matter emissions from traffic related air pollution, has shown to cause a 20% increase in pigment spots on the forehead and cheeks.

Further, indoor air pollution caused, for example, by cooking with solid fuels, has shown a significant increase in pigment spots and wrinkles.

2. Eczema

Eczema is, usually a generic disease. However, research has shown that increased levels of air pollution can trigger eczema , specially in children. Air pollution also triggers attacks of eczema in people who have the condition in a dormant state. Furthermore, certain researches have so shown that individuals with no genetic history of eczema ended up with the condition due to toxins in the air.

3. Hives

We have all experienced hives atleast once in our lives. This is usually a reaction to a specific allergen such as a food item, medication or insect. However, experiencing sudden hives with no visible trigger is quite possibly a result of high levels of air pollution. A study in Canada has shown a direct relationship between increased levels of air pollution and increased outbreaks of hives.

4. Acne

Even people with perfectly healthy skin are at risk of getting acne due to the pollutants in air. The impurities that land on the skin, clog existing pores and these lead to outbreaks of acne. A breakout of acne can lead to issues such as pimples and scarring of the skin.

How do we keep our skin safe from air pollution?

1. Use a lotion or a moisturizer

Additional layers of moisturizer or a soothing lotion creates a block between the external environment and your skin. This will keep your skin safe as you travel / commute. Opt to use a lotion with skin healing and sun protecting ingredients such as calamine.

2. Cleanse

Make it a habit to use a mild cleanser everyday, and exfoliate to rid your skin of all impurities it may have collected throughout the day. A thorough daily clean up routine is very important in keeping your skin safe from pollution.

3. Use a healing lotion that includes Calamine

Calamine, as an ingredient, has multi faceted properties including healing from sub burns, skin soothing properties and scar healing properties. The lacto calamine lotion , in addition to hosting all the properties of calamine, also includes witch hazel, which helps in healing minor skin wounds and scars.

Air pollution is a reality we must all live with, and it’s in our own best interest to take all necessary precautions to protect our skin from the negative effects of air pollution.

Written by Shana


8 Amazing Benefits of Calamine

Did you know that the key ingredient of all Lacto products, Calamine, has a history that goes back in to the 1500 BC? The ancient civilizations of China and India show records of using variants of Zinc, which is the main component of Calamine, for skin related conditions and skin enhancement.

Calamine can be considered to be a multi-purpose product, where it acts as a medicinal agent, as well as a cosmetic agent. A combination of Zinc Oxide and Zinc Carbonate, Calamine has been used as a remedy for a number of skin conditions since the late 18th Century, and was a mandatory element of the complicated make up kits of the women in the era. Used as a concealer or a foundation, the older generations treated Calamine with a trust and confidence that is still unchanged.

The benefits and uses of Calamine are many and varied, so much that it’s considered to be one of the most essential medicines by the WHO, and to be effective and safe at the same time. Not just medicinal, Calamine also is a proven cosmetic must-have.

Here are 8 amazing benefits of Calamine!

1. Acts as a moisturizer for dry skin and as an oil controlling agent for oily skin.

Who would say no to a miracle ointment that can treat both dry and oily skin? Calamine comes with the ability to moisturize dry skin, as well to control the excessive oiliness in oily skin. Considering how most Sri Lankan’s have combination skin, Calamine is the ideal dual purpose lotion to ensure that your skin is treated as it’s supposed to.

2. It’s a proven solution for pimples, acne and stubborn marks that just won’t go away!

Photo by Saludaudea / CC BY 2.0

With adolescence comes pimples and acne, and it’s a phase many of us go through. Unfortunately, for some people, the pimple phase does not end, or they are left with permanent marks that just won’t go away. Calamine, comes perfectly equipped to treat all these conditions as it contains zinc, which has a drying effect on acne and pimples, and its anti-blemish properties helps you make those stubborn scars disappear.

3. It can make your scars, marks and blemishes disappear.

It’s not easy to make it through life without a single scar. However, as unavoidable as they are, we still work very hard to get rid of scars, marks and blemishes that comes up due to various reasons such as acne, insect bites and minor cuts. With calamine, you can easily make all unwanted scars, marks and blemishes disappear, thanks to its healing properties. Simply use it as a much cheaper and a lot more effective anti-marks cream!

4. Calamine can protect your skin from the sun.

The sun has a way if creating a lot of skin issues, the main of which is sun burns. Calamine lotion, with its soothing and healing properties, is a tried and tested solution for sun burns, healing your skin while nourishing it from the inside. As it’s a lotion that nourishes and protects, you get the dual benefit of sun protection along with skin nourishment! What more could you ask for?

5. It’s also great as a night cream.

Soothe, nourish and heal your skin at night with Calamine. Its nourishing properties can give your skin the care it deserves as you rest after a long day. Wake up with fresh and beautiful skin when you use calamine as a night cream.

6. It improves and evens skin tone.

Beautiful, unblemished and scar-free skin is the result of regular usage of calamine as a lotion. Kaolin, a component of Calamine, has the ability to give you radiant skin. Used as a foundation over make – up will protect your skin from the harmful effects of the chemicals in cosmetics, all the while moisturizing and nourishing your skin. Calamine will also hydrate your skin, and help reduce acne and dark spots.

7. Calamine has anti-ageing properties

Regular application of Calamine will help you avoid wrinkles and lines, giving you smooth and beautiful skin. Besides, Calamine is proven to be safe, a much safer alternative to the overpriced anti-aging alternatives you find on the cosmetics shelf!

8. It can also help you solve the waxing / shaving problem.

We all have been through the perils of waxing and shaving, where within 24 hours our skin becomes dry and itchy. As a post wax / shave moisturizer, Lacto Lotion can soothe your skin while locking the moisture in, thereby giving you a healthy and beautiful body. It is also an alternative to shaving cream, and can give you a much smoother and cleaner shave than traditional shaving cream or soap.

So the next time you wear Lacto Lotion, remember that you are protected from the sun, well moisturized and that your skin tone is improved, all in one go!

Are you a calamine convert too?